Fare you well to my school classmate: May your success always be in your favour

 Saying goodbye is a bittersweet blend of celebration and nostalgia. Today, I find myself bidding farewell to my beloved school classmates, a moment that evokes a whirlwind of emotions. Farewells are never effortless to embrace, for they mark the end of a cherished chapter in our lives. Yet, as I reflect on our shared experiences, I'm overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment and joy. Through laughter and tears, we have formed unbreakable bonds and created memories that will forever remain etched in our hearts. Although parting ways may be challenging, I am grateful for the friendships forged and eagerly anticipate the new journeys that await each one of us.


Unforgettable Moments at the Khuru Tournament: Celebrating Friendship and Triumph!

 Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Khuru, a cherished Bhutanese tradition filled with joy and entertainment. Though fate denied me the opportunity to participate in today's tournament, I was fortunate enough to be present and witness the brilliance of my best friend's skills. With each throw, he struck the target not once, not twice, but three times, igniting a flame of exhilaration within me. Overwhelmed with pride and happiness, I celebrated his remarkable achievement, cherishing the camaraderie that binds us. In that moment, I realized that the true essence of the game lies not only in personal triumph but in the shared experiences and heartfelt connections it fosters.

The Courageous Tale: Embracing the Power of Storytelling

 Storytelling, a mesmerizing art form that transcends time, has the remarkable ability to impart invaluable life lessons. Today, the moment I had been eagerly awaiting arrived as I was unanimously chosen in my class to share a story. However, a surge of nervousness and spine-chilling anticipation enveloped me, causing goosebumps to crawl along my shoulders. Despite this, I summoned my courage and delivered my tale with unwavering confidence. In the end, a profound sense of satisfaction filled my heart, knowing that I had embraced the power of storytelling and left an indelible mark on those who listened.

Embracing the Bountiful Green: My Botanical Journey in Darla!

 In the vibrant embrace of nature's verdant tapestry, lies a realm brimming with life and vitality. Immersed in the enchanting world of plants, I embarked on a week-long sojourn in Darla, where my profound knowledge of botany became my greatest asset. Every leaf, every stem held a story waiting to be unveiled, and I reveled in the art of identification that unfolded before me. From the towering giants to the delicate blooms, my passion for discerning the names of these botanical treasures soared. With each discovery, I felt a renewed sense of connection with the wilderness, breathing life into my soul.

Exploring the Heart of Bongo Village: Unveiling the Tales of Human-Wildlife Conflict

 Embarking on a captivating journey of discovery, our team of six delved into the enchanting Bongo village, nestled within Chhukha Dzongkhag. Our purpose? To unravel the intricate tapestry of human-wildlife conflict that reverberates through this serene landscape. Engaging in heartfelt conversations, we sought to comprehend the pulse of the village folks – their stories, their creed, their very existence intertwined with the untamed wilderness. With each interview, our hearts were gripped by a bittersweet symphony of emotions. Moments of scintillating enlightenment intertwined with a profound sadness and an overwhelming sense of helplessness, as we bore witness to the devastating damages inflicted upon these resilient souls by the wild.

Sangye Minjurling Monastery: A Marvel of Bhutanese Art and Architecture

 Embark on a journey through the mesmerizing realm of Bhutanese art and architecture, where beauty intertwines with spirituality. Today, I had the privilege of visiting the Sangye Minjurling Monastery in Pasakha, a majestic nine-storey sanctuary nestled amidst the enchanting Indian plains. This architectural gem, also known as the Milarapa Lhakhang, pays homage to its predecessor with its striking resemblance. As I stepped inside, I was captivated by the abundance of Buddhist paintings adorning the walls and the intricate carvings that adorned every corner. The monastery's complexity only adds to its allure, for within its intricacy lies a profound beauty that words fail to describe.

The Hike in the Woods of Gedu to Expand My Existing Knowledge

It was a beautiful day because it all started with a single normal day that gave me hope for my carrier building amidst the hopelessness that I am surrounded with. It is in that beautiful forest that I came to know the botanical names of the most common plants to me. In fact, to my bewilderment, I found myself with an increased interest in the course I am taking. Moreover, I felt that I am nearer to the calling I have always longed for.

The spotlight event that happened in the wood is that our companion who helped us to be a guide shared with us that “Forest is an area not less than five hectares with most trees having DBH more than ten centimeters. The canopy cover a minimum of ten percent to thirty percent”. It was an eye-opening definition that will help us anytime in the future. Furthermore, the study of wildlife presence through droppings, scats, and pellets was very exciting. The study of their excreta can not only help us to determine their presence but also helps us to predict whether the animal is a carnivore or herbivore. We were told during that time that carnivores will have hair on their excreta and herbivore will not. Notwithstanding, their presence can also be studied through the study of prints from paws and hooves. We were told that the angulates will have hove prints and any species of the cat family with paw prints.



Fare you well to my school classmate: May your success always be in your favour

 Saying goodbye is a bittersweet blend of celebration and nostalgia. Today, I find myself bidding farewell to my beloved school classmates, ...